About The Founder


Agua Libre is the idea and passion project of Enzo Ackermann, a young surfer who lives in Sayulita, Mexico.

Enzo was born in Los Angeles on 12/22/2006 to a South African father and German mother. When he was 5 days old he moved to Mexico with his parents and brother (his third brother came along two years later).

As a baby, Enzo body-surfed and sailed with his parents. His love of the ocean grew more and more each day. He started surfing at age 8 and became hooked. However, the more time Enzo spent in the ocean, the more he saw pollution increase over the years. Enzo realized he needed to do something to help.

At Costa Verde International Green School in Sayulita, Enzo’s passion for helping the environment grew. As a home-school student now, he has more time for surfing and his passion project. Enzo dreams of one day becoming a professional surfer and activist!

In 2019, Enzo attended the Ocean Heroes Conference in Vancouver, Canada, where he presented the Agua Libre project and connected with like-minded youth. While there he was inspired to take this project to the next level!